Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Volunteers Needed for the Loudoun County Transit Plan

Loudoun County is seeking citizen volunteers for an advisory committee that will guide the development of the Loudoun County Transit Plan. This new plan will shape public transportation infrastructure, investment and alternatives for the next 20 years.

The Transit Plan Advisory Committee will be composed of citizens/citizen groups, transit users, transit service providers, and members of regional groups and county advisory boards who represent potential and underserved transit populations. Members will be asked to participate in at least five evening meetings and up to two public workshop meetings over an approximate 12-month period with the first meeting anticipated in March 2008.

To ensure representation from the entire county, residents from each of the following geographic areas are needed to fill advisory committee positions:
  • Two representatives from the Sterling/Sterling Park Area (generally east of Route 28, south of Route 7)
  • Two representatives from the Cascades/Sugarland Run Area (generally east of Broad Run and north of Route 7)
  • Two representatives from the Ashburn/Belmont/Lansdowne Area (generally north of the airport, east of Leesburg, west of Route 28)
  • Two representatives from the Arcola/South Riding Area (generally east and south of Dulles Airport and east of Route 15)
  • Two representatives from the Dulles South area (generally south of Route 7 and east of Route 15 but not residing within corporate boundaries of a town)
  • One representative from the Western Loudoun Area (generally west of Route 15, and not residing within the corporate boundaries of a town)

Note: The towns will be represented by participants from the Coalition of Loudoun Towns.

Citizens are invited to apply for a position on the advisory committee by submitting a Transit Plan Advisory Committee Interest Application. You may pick up an application at the County Government Center, Office of Transportation Services, 4th floor, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., in Leesburg; or you may download a copy of the form at; or you can request that one be mailed to you.

If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Affinito at 703-771-5251 or Applications are due to Loudoun County by close of business on January 25, 2008.

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