We mention it here since some of the topics of interest have impact on traffic, vehicles, etc. Items on the agenda include measures to upgrade existing county structures and vehicle fleets; current and proposed standards for new buildings; technology advances in transportation; performance metrics and fiscal impacts; and engaging Loudoun County businesses and residents in efforts to increase energy efficiency throughout the county.
All interested individuals and groups are invited to participate in the meeting, which will be held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E. in Leesburg.
Interested individuals and groups can pre-schedule time on the agenda to make a presentation or comment. Individuals will be given up to five minutes to speak, while groups will be given up to 15 minutes. To participate as a presenter at the session, contact William Marsh, Environmental Review Team Leader, at 703-737-8303 or e-mail: william.marsh@loudoun.gov.

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