With warmer temperatures reopening asphalt plants and making permanent concrete patches possible, the Governor has asked VDOT to shift its attention temporary patching to conducting full-fledge pavement operations.
Paving Season Begins
Today, April 15, is also opening day for Virginia's paving season. More than $134 million in paving projects are already contracted for this spring. Contractors awarded these contracts can begin paving roadways as of mid-April. VDOT will advertise an additional $84 million in pavement projects statewide in coming weeks, and contractors will begin making permanent patches where temporary pavement repairs were made this winter, and overlaying new smooth services for summer driving season.
Loudoun County commuters can continue to report potholes and roadway hazards to speed response time and improve safety. To report a pothole, go to www.virginiadot.org/ or call VDOT's Highway Helpline at 800-367-7623 (ROAD). In addition, safe driving tips, pothole patching videos, and other useful information on potholes is also available on VDOT's Web site at www.virginiadot.org/info/faq-potholes.asp.
Pothole Killer
Check out a Loudoun Times video of the Pothole Killer on a recent visit to Loudoun County.
And here's another quick video, from VDOT, with more on the special pothole machine.

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