We wanted to update our loyal readers to let you know that our email delivery service is provided by Feedburner. As a free service, mainly designed for the delivery via RSS, Feedburner does offer an email delivery, however, it is only sent as a daily digest.
Loudoun County Traffic wants to thank our residents for being fans and following us. We also want to apologize for any inconvenience these email notifications are. You can easily unsubscribe from the email delivery if you'd like. If you do, you may want to add the RSS feed (http://feeds.feedburner.com/LoudounCountyTraffic) to your favorite reader and/or sign up for Alert Loudoun traffic alerts, a service of the Loudoun County government, which will send traffic alerts to your cellphones and pagers.
Thanks for your loyalty to Loudoun County Traffic... and don't forget... be sure to email us with any pictures related to Loudoun County traffic, transit or transportation, and be sure to leave your comments after our articles. Fellow readers want to know how you feel about the issues, and so do our elected leaders and transportation officials.

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