For the last three years Drive for Charity was the busiest day of the year on the roadway. As an incentive to get more people to travel the road, discount coupons will be given out to folks shopping at the Leesburg Outlets.
In addition to the Dulles Greenway Scholarship Program, where the Greenway awards $1,500 to one senior at each of the Loudoun County public high schools, the main beneficiaries of the Greenway’s Drive for Charity efforts are:
- March of Dimes - The Dulles Greenway has helped the NICU Family Support Project fund a Family Support Specialist at INOVA Fairfax Hospital for Children to oversee activities of the program, as well as support activities in the program (Patient Care Kits, Parent Education Hours and Patient Safety Classes).
- Every Citizen Has Opportunity (ECHO) - The Dulles Greenway has helped purchase four 12-passenger vans that will provide transportation for people with disabilities to and from work.
- Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS) - The Dulles Greenway has helped provide legal services for victims of domestic violence to obtain protective orders, child support and spousal support so that they may have the opportunity to live free from abuse and violence.
- Fresh Air/Full Care - The Dulles Greenway has helped low income working parents to pay for the cost of summer camp for their children. This provides the children with a safe and enriching experience through the summer months. The Drive for Charity sent 91 Loudoun County children to summer camp for 5-6 weeks per child.
- Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy- The Dulles Greenway has provided 4 scholarships for a two-week Nature camp, expanded their amphibian monitoring efforts and provided 1,000 trees/shrubs which were planted to protect water quality in Loudoun County.
Last year's total raised was $236,354.87. Adding that money to the previous 5 years, over $1.2 million has been donated. It's simple and easy to participate... the more cars that travel the road that day, the more money the charities will receive.
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