Virginia law states that the Commission shall approve a toll increase request based
upon the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus one percent (Virginia Code Section § 56-542
Toll Road Investors Partnership II (TRIP II), the operator of the Dulles Greenway,
filed its application for a toll increase on November 14, 2012. Applying the statutory
formula, TRIP II requested a 3.54 percent increase. The SCC approved an increase
of 3.02 percent based upon an updated calculation of the CPI plus one percent in
accordance with the statutory requirement.
For a 2-axle vehicle, the requested increase would have totaled 14 cents. The SCC
approved increase equals 12 cents.
For the efficient collection of tolls paid in cash, the company rounds to the nearest
nickel. The actual posted toll will increase 10 cents, from $4 to $4.10. During
weekday peak periods (6:30-9 a.m. eastbound and 4-6:30 p.m. westbound),
the toll increases from $4.80 to $4.90.
Updating the CPI to a more current figure does impact the posted tolls for vehicles
with three or more axles. For example, the posted toll for a three-axle vehicle
will be $8.20, five cents less than the company’s requested increase of $8.25.
SCC Final Order (PDF)

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