Here's a
transportation update from Catoctin Supervisor
Geary Higgins' March newsletter:
- Route 287 and Route 7 Bypass:
February 20, I voted with my colleagues to extend the right turn lane
on southbound Route 287 from its intersection at the Route 7 Bypass
off-ramp all the way to
the intersection of Hirst Road, and to add a second left turn lane to
the westbound 7 Bypass off-ramp. This will help alleviate the backup
that often ends into a traffic standstill on the westbound Route 7
Bypass. One of the left turn lanes would also be a
through lane to get back on to the westbound Route 7 Bypass.
- The Woods Road:
Preliminary design plans were received by VDOT on January 22nd.
They plan to reconvene a meeting of the Steering Committee to review
the draft plans. The bottom line is, if the 2014 Revenue Sharing
application is approved by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the
project will be fully funded and construction planning
should begin.
- Sands and Taylor Road –
two paving projects are fully funded and were advertised in November
2012. Bids were scheduled to be opened on January 23, 2013. The current
estimate for completion
is some time in 2013. VDOT is in the process of scheduling “Pardon our
Dust” meetings to inform affected communities what to expect during the
construction phase. Please contact me or my staff if you wish to be kept
up on this.
- Riverside Parkway:
Parkway widening work has been moved back and should begin in July
rather than the spring. The River Creek Parkway sidewalk/trail will
begin construction sometime
after the final plan submission in the fall and has been moved to the
west side of the road.
- Route 15 – Excessive Truck Use:
March 12 my office toured Route 15 with Supervisor Reid and DMV to
review excessive truck use on US 15 between Point of Rocks and Gilbert's
Corner to assess the need
for a weigh station or additional enforcement.

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