Thursday, June 6, 2013

Public Input Meeting Monday, June 10, on Proposed Transportation Projects

Loudoun County will hold a public input meeting June 10, asking residents to weigh in on proposed transportation projects to be funded in Fiscal Year 2014 through the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA). The meeting will be held at 7 p.m., Monday, June 10, in the Board Room of the Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E. in Leesburg.
The Commonwealth's new landmark transportation bill, aimed at relieving congestion, established a new transportation revenue source for Northern Virginia, which is estimated to bring the region $1.9 billion in new transportation funding over the next six years. It will be allocated through the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority Fund and Northern Virginia localities, including Loudoun County.
At the June 10 meeting, an overview of the transportation bill and a discussion of the proposed projects will be presented. The public is invited to give input on the projects.
The proposed Loudoun County projects designated for funding assistance so far include the following:
  • Belmont Ridge Road between Portsmouth Boulevard and Hay Road – FY14 Design/Build Start
  • Route 28 Hot Spot Improvements – Loudoun Segment (Sterling Boulevard and the Dulles Toll Road) – FY14 Construction Start
  • (Leesburg) Edwards Ferry Road at the Route 15 Leesburg Bypass Grade Separation – FY14 Design Start
  • Leesburg Park and Ride – FY14 ROW and Construction Complete
  • 2 New Transit Buses – FY14 Revenue Service
Anyone interested in speaking at the Loudoun County meeting may sign up in advance by calling 703-777-0200. Advanced sign-ups will be taken until noon the day of the meeting. Speakers may also sign up in person at the meeting itself.
The complete list of projects and detailed information about them can be found at For Loudoun County-related information and updates, visit


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